Saturday, November 9, 2013

My Biggest Achievement In Life... I more myself or less myself...

I'm getting really bad at organizing my thoughts and time again..I seem to struggle more when I've actually got time because I keep thinking "I've got time, I'll do it later"..and it never gets done..Why am I so bad at managing myself sometimes...? #mymomentofselfpity

So moving on to what I actually wanted to talk about: Identity

I don't know if any of you have ever seen "The Conversation With Amanda DeCadenat". If you haven't (if you have skip on over to the next next line), it's basically an alternative interview series with women whom have a story or experience to share. No topic is off limits, she (Amanda), brings up everything imaginable during the conversation, and it's honestly really good, like it's done in such a way that you feel like you were a part of the conversation..? I can't really explain it, but I learn a lot watching it..And there are some bits that I totally disagree with and sometimes I either fast forward cause it gets too raunchy or boring, but for the most part, I like it, I really feel inspired and enlightened listening to the stories these women have to tell; very very eye opening :)

There was this one interview that Amanda had with Zoe Saldana (actress). Again some bits where I was like "Hmm, I don't agree...", but there was one particular part where time froze for me..I remember hearing her say it for the first time..and I kept replaying it over and over again cause it reallyy spoke to me..And not just in a "oh that was good" way...Like it reeeaaaallllyy spoke to me..My thought process shifted a little and I got perspective I didn't have before watching that clip. 

I don't want to play it, cause it has bits I don't like,hahah, but I'll type up the part which I did like...

Amanda: As an objective outsider, I can see in your career choices, that you are one of the very few women who has a career that defies what sex you are

Zoe: I'm not defined by sex, I'm not defined by race, I'm not defined by a nationality, I'm Zoe...shrugs shoulders...and I could have been a boy, could have been a dog, but I'm just..I'm Zoe...I'm my mother's daughter, I'm my father's daughter, and that is' do you say..starts speaking in foreign language...that's my biggest achievement in life...

I lost myselfMy Biggest Achievement in life...How many of us can say that our biggest achievement in life is knowing exactly who we are? And how many of us can say that who we are is exactly as we are, naked, without ties to things, places& people..Just us as a whole, being ourselves, is enough to sum our identity..Can many of us say that?? 

I was thinking about this so hard after I watched this...Though I know what constitutes the term "identity", I don't think I've ever just latched it on to me just being me..And it took me a while to work out with God that for me to truly live a life free from the cares of this world,
I needed to accept all of ME as I AM and LOVE myself and who God has made me...

I don't know if I'm making much sense, and some of you are probably thinking "Yeahh..duhh" and it is probably a very "duhh" thing to talk about, but for me personally, I cannot say that I'm all there yet with loving the person that God has made me..Some days I really struggle with insecurities and trying to please the world instead of my God, and that will always be a work in progress for me..But on days where I do love God first, and where I am truest to the person He made me, I wear a smile because that was an achievement for me..Loving God is to love myself; there will no greater achievement for me than this  ;)

This is just my moment of "whoahh" and "I must tell someone" haha..I hope this has shifted your thinking too..Just know that no one can or should ever define you..Your definition comes from God, your maker.
He knows and loves you exactly as you are and wants nothing more than to see you live life as you :)

You should check more of Amanda's "interviews" out on Youtube, they're all really awesome and you can learn a lot from these women :) 

Much Love

i draw in my pass time and i just enjoy it. its a good talent i have and i hope to use it in my future and turn that into a career.